Communication strategies to improve benefit plan participation in 2020

Communication strategies to improve benefit plan participation in 2020

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It’s re-enrollment season here at MaxWorth, which means we’re traveling throughout the country to help our plan participants make their 2020 elections. For the past thirteen years, we’ve worked exclusively with physicians and administrations on their benefit plans. During that time, we’ve seen the positive impact that effective communication can have on plan participation. Compensation programs are more advantageous for all parties when physicians are engaged with their plans and are in alignment with their administrations. Therefore, it’s vital for administrators to have an effective communication strategy in place. Here are a few best practices that can improve your physician communication during re-enrollment season:


Have an invested physicians’ liaison 

While our team handles the promotion and coordination of the open enrollment period, having an invested physician liaison is helpful in arranging in-person meetings as well as virtual follow-ups. This person has an existing working relationship with the doctors, so they’re able to capitalize on this repour to keep enrollment top of mind for participants.

Utilize digital platforms 

Since physicians lead busy lives, it’s important to do everything you can to make it as convenient as possible for them to engage with their plans. Digital platforms can improve efficiency and convenience. Our team uses digital scheduling, reminders, and forms. Digital scheduling is particularly beneficial since it allows physicians to reschedule in the event of an emergency or when they’re called to surgery.

Partner with the right team

Our team of professionals works with administrators to make the process of enrollment as non-labor-intensive as possible for them. We personally explain our plans to eligible participants so administrators and HR professionals don’t have to become experts overnight. With over thirty years of experience in benefit plan design, we’re able to make sure all parties have a complete understanding of their program. When a plan is properly communicated, it helps ensure that physicians and administrators are aligned behind the common goal of reaping the rewards of a successful program.  


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