Prevalence of Pay

How Call Pay Compensation is Changing by Specialty

Over the last 10 years, call pay has become more common for physicians across the country. When MaxWorth Consulting first began working with hospitals to design call pay programs, requests for call compensation typically came from the same three to four specialties. In the last few years, requests have started coming from a wider, more diverse group of specialists. This has put increased financial pressure on hospitals already struggling to maintain financial stability.

In order to help hospitals better prepare for this challenge, MaxWorth conducted a study of our client base, analyzing the changes we’ve seen in call pay inclusion over the last decade. This paper includes highlights from our research, including:


  • Specialties with the largest increases in the number of call-pay arrangements
  • A specialty that’s likely to see an increase in the near future
  • One specialty that has seen a surprising decrease 


In this paper, we will discuss why call compensation has changed for these specialties, what it could mean for hospitals, and how hospitals can better position themselves for what’s ahead.


Download the paper to learn more. 


Please note: We are not encouraging or discouraging the inclusion of any particular specialty. Decisions regarding inclusion are best handled by a hospital’s administration and physicians’ call committee. But we do believe it’s a good idea for hospital administrators to keep an eye on these trends so they can be prepared to meet their organization’s needs

Download the Whitepaper

Read about the latest trends in call pay compensation and how they could impact your organization.

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