Presentation Slides
Title: Call Pay: How To Increase Value And Bend The Spend Curve
Description: For nearly 20 years, MaxWorth Consulting Group has helped healthcare leaders turn call pay into a more valuable asset for both physicians and their organizations. Our approach, which was developed in collaboration with physician leaders, controls the cost of call pay while allowing physicians to use their on-call compensation in a more meaningful way, helping them achieve their financial goals. By giving physicians a greater sense of fairness and appreciation for their service, our program creates alignment and builds a culture of trust. During the session, we will explain our process and how you can use it to transform your call pay expense into an asset.
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Since 2005, MaxWorth has focused exclusively on our healthcare clients. During this time, we've gained a unique understanding of the industry's most pressing challenges. We've applied this knowledge, as well as our 35 years of experience in benefit design, to the development of compensation programs that address issues such as the rising cost of call pay, physician alignment, increased competition for physicians, nursing shortages, and executive turnover.
To learn more about our programs, download a copy of our flyers by clicking on a topic below:
Want to Learn more? Let’s Talk.
Every healthcare organization is unique. Our solutions are designed to be customized to fit your needs. If you would like to find out more about us and our solutions or simply discuss your organization's compensation challenge, complete the form below and we will arrange a call with one of our consultants.